Cookie- & Privatlivspolitik

When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to customize and improve our content and to increase the value of the ads displayed on the page. If you do not want information to be collected, you should delete your cookies ( see instructions ) and refrain from further use of the website. Below we have elaborated on what information is collected, their purpose and which third parties have access to it.

The website uses “cookies”, which is a text file that is stored on your computer, mobile or similar. similarly for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics and targeting ads. Cookies cannot contain malicious code such as virus.

It is possible to delete or block cookies. See instructions:

If you delete or block cookies, ads may become less relevant to you and appear more frequently. You may also risk that the website does not work optimally and that there is content that you can not access.

The website contains cookies from third parties, which to varying degrees may include:

Google Analytics
Google Adsense
Google Adwords

 Personal information

Personal information is all kinds of information that to some extent can be attributed to you. When you use our website, we collect and process a number of such information. It happens e.g. by alm. access to content if you sign up for our newsletter, participate in contests or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, otherwise use services or make purchases through the Website.

Vi indsamler og behandler typisk følgende typer af oplysninger: Et unikt ID og tekniske oplysninger om din computer, tablet eller mobiltelefon, dit IP-nummer, geografisk placering, samt hvilke sider du klikker på (interesser). I det omfang du selv giver eksplicit samtykke hertil og selv indtaster informationerne behandles desuden: Navn, telefonnummer, e-mail, adresse og betalingsoplysninger. Det vil typisk være i forbindelse med oprettelse af login eller ved køb.

Vi har truffet tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger mod, at dine oplysninger hændeligt eller ulovligt bliver slettet, offentliggjort, fortabt, forringet eller kommer til uvedkommendes kendskab, misbruges eller i øvrigt behandles i strid med lovgivningen.

Oplysningerne bruges til at identificere dig som bruger og vise dig de annoncer, som vil have størst sandsynlighed for at være relevante for dig, at registrere dine køb og betalinger, samt at kunne levere de services, du har efterspurgt, som f.eks. at fremsende et nyhedsbrev. Herudover anvender vi oplysningerne til at optimere vores services og indhold.

Periode for opbevaring
Oplysningerne opbevares i det tidsrum, der er tilladt i henhold til lovgivningen, og vi sletter dem, når de ikke længere er nødvendige. Perioden afhænger af karakteren af oplysningen og baggrunden for opbevaring. Det er derfor ikke muligt at angive en generel tidsramme for, hvornår informationer slettes.

Disclosure of information
Data about your use of the website, which advertisements you receive and possibly clicks, geographical location, gender and age segment, etc. are passed on to third parties to the extent that this information is known. You can see which third parties are involved in the section on “Cookies” above. The information is used to target advertising.

In addition, we use a number of third parties for the storage and processing of data. These process information solely on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes.

Disclosure of personal information such as name and e-mail, etc. will only take place if you give your consent. We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide your information with adequate protection.

Insights and complaints
You have the right to be informed of the personal data we process about you. You can also object to the use of information at any time. You can also revoke your consent for information about you to be processed. If the information processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Inquiries about this can be made to: Laan @ MercuryAds.Media. If you want to complain about our processing of your personal data, you also have the opportunity to contact the Danish  Data Protection Agency .

The website is owned and published by:
Email: Laan @ MercuryAds.Media